番紅花麝香天然固體香水噴霧7 ml

番紅花麝香天然固體香水噴霧7 ml


伴隨著我們的法國阿拉伯藝術香水,由Sharif LaRoche精心組織的香水,Perfumer卓越...我們很高興推出Solide Parfum Naturel - 精緻,高度集中的深度和復雜的香水。 這些香味的東方精華是LaRoche的藝術香水收藏品,古代的香水引入了現在。

Richer in scent and texture than Eau de Parfum, carefully composed as Natural Parfum Sprays with a high content of pure oil base, these treasured scents will linger on your skin, leaving a most scent-sational soothing ambience of complete olfactory pleasure. High-quality essence in a small package - exceptional value now offered at a most reasonable price in a Connoisseur's Collection of Scents.


確實是一款精緻的香水,花香,草本,辛辣,溫暖而乾燥,由品質卓越的優質麝香組成 - 炎熱的沙漠風攜帶著來自遠方的芳香寶藏,散發著香氣。


Saffron (Zafran, Zafaron) is produced from the dark auburn, sweet stigmas of saffron crocus flowers (Crocus Sativus). It takes 250,000 of these tiny hand-picked pollinating parts of the flowers to make about 500g (1 lb) of saffron, making it the most expensive spice available in the world. Found mainly in the South Western Asian region and parts of Europe, it was used traditionally as a fine culinary spice and tea flavouring. Due to the high price of saffron, it has nowadays been replaced to some extent with less expensive spices, but gained in popularity as a herb, because of the increasing health benefits saffron has shown.


Saffron is beneficial in preventing arteriosclerosis and asthma, due to its ability to promote healthy blood circulation and airflow. It it used as a treatment to fight cancer, as saffron contains cartenoids, which create toxins within the growing cancer cells, causing them to die before malignant tumours may be formed. Saffron is also used as a sleeping aid and as a treatment for depression. When 100% pure saffron with only the red filaments is used, it has been proven to be just as effective as prescription medicine in treating depression.

